On Wednesday evening, Ganesh mandals across Mumbai city met Maharashtra Chief Minister and Deputy Chief Minister to discuss multiple issues including the permissions required to install hoardings in the pandals during Ganeshotsav. The Ganesh mandals have assured that the hoardings installed across the pandals will be small in size as compared to earlier and will not hinder traffic movement.
Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar and Guardian Minister of Mumbai City District, Deepak Kesarkar were present during the meeting at Sahyadri state guest house. Senior bureaucrats from BMC, State government and Maharashtra police were also present during the meeting.
Ganesh Pandals in Mumbai have raised multiple issues in the meeting including potholes and hoardings. Naresh Dahibhavkar, President of Brihanmumbai Sarvajanik Ganeshotsav Samanvay Samiti (BSGSS), said, "We will be abiding by the rules and regulations framed by BMC and Mumbai Traffic Police Department regarding hoardings and Digital OOH."
Dahibhavkar said, "During the meeting we have raised the issue discussed that we face difficulty in acquiring permissions to put up Digital hoardings. We have been informed that the Traffic police will follow all SOPs before giving the permission and will ensure a speedy permission process."
Dahibhavkar said, "Chief Minister Shinde has instructed the government officials to open a single window for all permissions and clearances. We have assured the government that there will be no hindrance to traffic. We will also ensure that the hoardings and banners installed near the pandals are secure and will not cause any safety issues to devotees."
Dahibhavkar further said, "Smaller hoardings will be installed which are safe. We also make sure that the fire brigade department grants us adequate permissions for such precautions."
Senior committee member of a Ganesh mandal from South Mumbai said, "We have been told by the BMC to install smaller hoardings as compared to earlier. We definitely agree to that but the issue around Digital hoardings need to be considered as we don't violate any traffic laws. If we compare Digital OOH put across the city, the size is huge and that causes visual hindrance while driving vehicles. BMC and Mumbai police should focus on such hoardings rather than putting restrictions around Ganesh pandals."
Many pandals in Mumbai are already facing penalties regarding digging roads and violating noise pollution norms. Another prominent mandal from North Mumbai said, "We don't want to violate any law further and would definitely follow the rules and regulations set by BMC and Traffic Police. We want the celebrations to be peaceful and not cause any nuisance to the government."
In 2023, the BMC gave permissions to more than 2,700 mandals across the city to set up pandals. BMC had received 3,767 applications. Chief Minister Eknath Shinde has instructed the government officials to provide all facilities such as fire brigade, ambulances and other facilities free of cost to pandals which receives huge number of devotees.