Varun Sridhar, who led Paytm Money, the wealth management platform of One 97 Communications Ltd, as chief executive officer, has moved on from his position. Rakesh Singh succeeds Sridhar as the CEO. Previously, Sridhar was the CEO at FinShell India (FinShell - An OPPO Group Company)
Sridhar began his career at ConvergeLabs Software Technologies and went on to work across Citibank, Deutsche Bank, Value Partners, BNP Paribas and FinShell.
As the head of individuals at international retail banking, at BNP Paribas, his role was to lead key business development projects and have strategic oversight for ‘Individual’ clients (consumer banking) in - Ukrsibbank in Ukraine (~500 branches), BGZ-BNPP in Poland (~500 branches), TEB in Turkey (~600 branches).